We believe that God has designed us to need relationships and to do life in community in order to be our best. Groups are a way that Foundations makes a big church smaller. Groups are a place to be known, to know others, and to get to know and follow Jesus. We see this modeled by Jesus as he met in groups throughout his life and ministry. Everyone’s faith journey is different. The one thing that is the same is our need to grow our faith together in community.


Rooted Groups are now in session. New Rooted GRoups will launch in September 2024. Click below to learn more about Rooted.


Small Groups are a place for people to be known, to know others, and celebrate together, comfort one another, ask questions, serve together, be challenged and be encouraged in our faith journey. Small Groups are a way that Foundations makes a big church smaller. Our goal is to get you into a group where you can connect with God and others.


Foundations Support Groups are here to help you make it through challenging and sometimes devastating times of life. We know that life will improve through the peace of Jesus Christ and the support of others. Walking the same road together with others will help you heal.

Looking for more community opportunities?   COMMON INTEREST ACTIVITES  |  SERVE  |  OUTREACH